

Kesewaa Browne

Freelance journalist specialising in culture, multiplatform Journalist for the BBC, Assistant Producer and Sport Presenter at Riverside Radio, Script and Story Researcher who worked on the development team for the Waterloo Road reboot. 

Kesewaa has produced a BBC documentary about sickle cell disorder and is passionate about raising the profile of the condition.


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Bolaji Farinto

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Eugene Oteng-Ntim

Eugene is a Consultant Obstetrician with over 30 years of experience in the field. 

As an expert in antenatal and postnatal care, Eugene delivers maternity services to women on every level of the health spectrum, and has specialist knowledge in caring for patients who live with sickle cell disorder.

He is head of Obstetrics at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London, and Clinical Director for Women’s Health Services. Eugene is also Professor of Obstetrics at King’s College London.

Professor Eugene became the first black Professor at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital and the first black Professor of Obstetrics at Kings College, London.

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Gildé Nsianguana

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Michael Dove